Pictured in advance of the joint tourism information evening on 28th April in the Glendalough Hotel evening is Fred Verdier, Tourism Development Officer with Wicklow County Tourism and Siobhán Geoghegan, Tourism & Enterprise Development Officer with County Wicklow Partnership at the Wicklow Enterprise Centre in the Murrough, Wicklow Town.
Issued 19th April 2010
Public information session for all involved and interested in the area of tourism in the county, Wednesday 28th April in the Glendalough Hotel at 7.30pm
Wicklow County Tourism and the LEADER Company County Wicklow Partnership have teamed up to host a tourism information session in April. This event will provide plenty of information and feedback to those already involved in tourism in Wicklow and for those considering their options in this sector. Current marketing and promotional activities that support the trade will be outlined, in addition current trends and updates on the progress of Co. Wicklow ‘Outdoor Recreation Strategy’ will be highlighted. For those thinking of expanding or starting a new tourism enterprise, funding supports available through the LEADER Rural Development Programme will be detailed and case studies provided.
Tourism is a vital industry for future economic growth in a county like Wicklow with its beautiful rugged landscape, and the recession has proven an extremely challenging time for local businesses. However, there is support on offer from County Wicklow Partnership (CWP) and Wicklow County Tourism and the potential is there to grow and improve into the future.
Commenting on the event, Chairman of Wicklow County Tourism Tom Fortune said that it is vital that new and existing local tourism businesses throughout the county get involved and attend this information session. “Wicklow County Tourism is currently working very hard to promote the county as a tourist destination during this difficult economic time, by working closely with the trade and supporting and developing local festivals and events and through our popular www.visitwicklow.ie website and by becoming a member of Wicklow Tourism, local businesses can increase their exposure and benefit from the support that our organisation provides. I’d also encourage everyone to view our latest promotional programme, ‘A Journey through Wicklow’, which can be found on our website homepage.”
In addition Brian Kehoe, CEO of County Wicklow Partnership added, “I would urge existing tourism businesses and those considering expanding or starting a new tourism business in the future to attend this event and find out exactly what is happening currently, what is planned and what opportunities are available in the county in this sector and there will be plenty of opportunity to discuss potential projects on a one to one basis following the information session with LEADER staff.
This event is open to all, however you must register by either phoning Gillian at CWP on 0404 46977 or by emailing info@wicklowpartnership.ie
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